AWS User Group (Perth / Boorloo, Australia) Logo






About Us

Our Purpose

We are a community-run, non-profit organisation sharing experience and learning together on the AWS platform. Whilst we primarily serve the Perth community, our membership and impact extend beyond the borders of Western Australia. Thus, we also engage the broader AWS community through collaboration with other AWS User Groups nationally and regionally.

Our Members

Wherever you are on your AWS journey, from curious to guru, you're welcome to join!

Our membership covers the full spectrum from those barely familiar with AWS through to AWS practitioners and experts, including AWS Solutions Architects, AWS Ambassadors, AWS Community Builders and AWS Community Heroes.

We are unarguably one of the most active technology communities in Perth and have built a reputation for being freindly and approachable. Our meetups are therefore a great way to connect with AWS users, partners, customers, and Amazonians alike.

Our Activities

Our Perth meetups are currently running to a monthly schedule, usually the third Tuesday of the month. These typically focus on technical topics or case studies but we also periodically hold networking sessions (our end of year quiz night being a highlight).

In addition, we now run a series of hands-on workshops and have plans to expand the number and variety of events. We welcome contributions or suggestions from the tech community.

Perth Cityscape