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IPv6 in the AWS Cloud: What, Why, and How

Cover Image for IPv6 in the AWS Cloud: What, Why, and How
UG Leaders
UG Leaders
5.30pm - 7.30pm

Having long since outgrown it’s 1970s design, the Internet has been on a multi-decade transition from Internet Protocol v4 to IPv6. According to Google, over a third of Australian internet traffic is now IPv6 and momentum is increasing. If you have never heard of IPv6, or never used it, then this talk is for you.

Speaker Bio

Our presenter, James Bromberger, is Global Head of Cloud for Modis and a local Practice Lead & Consulting Director. In addition to more than two decades experience as a Sys Admin, Network Engineer, Security Engineer and AWS Solution Architect, James is 9x AWS Certified (equal longest-certified Solution Architect in the world), an AWS Partner Ambassador, and an AWS Certification Subject Matter Expert.


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