AWS User Group (Perth / Boorloo, Australia) Logo






AWS: The Pain Points

Cover Image for AWS: The Pain Points
UG Leaders
UG Leaders
5.30pm - 7.30pm

On a scale from curious to committed we're all engaged with the AWS platform. However, it is not perfect and introduces friction to development and operations in certain circumstances. In this session we'll describe a series of problems, challenges and gaps with the AWS platform, and then discuss our options for dealing with or working around them.

We're keen to source observations from you, the community. Is there something missing from AWS? Is there something that makes you frown, rage or facepalm? What does this stop you from doing and is there a solution, alternative or workaround?

Please send your contributions via the channels on the homepage. Bullet points will do but you're also welcome to volunteer a lightning talk of 5-10 minutes. There will be prizes for the best contributions!

Speaker Bio

The session will be presented by Cristian Southall. Cristian is an advisor, architect and chief technologist with Perth-based consultancy, JourneyOne. He is a multi-disciplinarian and active contributor to many professional communities, including the AWS community, as an AWS Ambassador, AWS Community Builder and Organiser for the AWS User Group (Perth, Australia).


RSVP via the event page at is essential.