AWS User Group (Perth / Boorloo, Australia) Logo






Bridging the Gap: Using EventBridge to tie your services together

Cover Image for Bridging the Gap: Using EventBridge to tie your services together
UG Leaders
UG Leaders
5.30pm - 7.30pm

Have you heard of EventBridge? It's one of those services that can be easily overlooked, or underestimated. Maybe you've encountered it as the replacement for CloudWatch Events for scheduling your tasks, but there's more to it. As the name implies, it helps you tie together different services (both external and AWS) for an event-driven architecture. This in turn enables a lot of fun things, such as the recently announced integration with CloudFormation. In this talk we'll discuss and demonstrate how EventBridge works and what you can do with it.

Speaker Bio

We welcome Arjen Schwarz, who will join us in Perth to present our October session. Arjen is originally from the Netherlands, but on a trip around the world decided that Melbourne was the place for him. Since moving there he's become involved with all things AWS and runs the Melbourne AWS User Group, is an AWS Ambassador, and works as Principal Consultant at CMD Solutions. Outside of work he has come to realise that everything he does is dictated by a toddler but still at times pretends he has a say in matters.


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