Quiz Night & Networking
2022 has been a great year for the User Group. Together, we've re-established a welcoming community, grown our membership and maintained renewed momentum with regular meetups. It's appropriate then, that before the year closes, we take some time to celebrate, have some fun and perhaps meet a few of those faces we recognise from the sessions but haven't yet had a chance to meet.
We're therefore marking November with a networking session. We'll forego the presentations for some extra refreshments and an AWS-themed quiz. Don't worry if you're not an expert: we'll compose teams on the night to ensure everyone has a fair crack at the prize pool which currently includes AWS credits, swag and some 'special items' we have in development.
Absolutely everyone is welcome! If you haven't attended a session before then this is a great opportunity to meet fellow AWS enthusiasts, as well as various AWS SMEs, Ambassadors, Partners and Amazonians in a relaxed environment.
RSVP via the event page at Meetup.com is essential.