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Building with Generative AI: A "Bedtime Story"

Cover Image for Building with Generative AI: A "Bedtime Story"
UG Leaders
UG Leaders
5.30pm - 7.30pm

The past six months have been a whirlwind of progress in the AI space. It can be hard to orient yourself, let alone stay abreast of developments. Brian Foody’s response has been to “Build something, build anything”.

Three months ago Brian and his colleagues set out to build a “hello world” for generative AI: a bedtime story generator intended to make sense of fast-moving technology. The team were pleasantly surprised to find customers which not only love it, but are happy to pay for it.

In this talk Brian and fellow Co-Founder Jennie Dalgren will cover the generative AI domain, their team’s product and their build before discussing how our engineering mindset can get in the way of vast commercial opportunity in this space. You can learn more, or perhaps prepare some questions for Brian, by checking out


RSVP via the event page at is essential.