AWS User Group (Perth / Boorloo, Australia) Logo






Finding Your Way With CDK

Cover Image for Finding Your Way With CDK
UG Leaders
UG Leaders
5.30pm - 7.30pm

A significant benefit of the cloud is the ability to leverage automation to productively provision resources, securely and at scale. However, approaches for achieving this (largely via infrastructure-as-code) have evolved over the years and there are more than a few tools available to help you achieve automation nirvana.

In 2019, AWS released the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), which is an open-source development framework for defining and provisioning cloud resources using common programming languages. During this session, James Vulling will introduce the key concepts of CDK, the benefits it offers and how it differs to other approaches through live demonstration.

Refreshments provided from 5.30pm with the presentation starting at 6pm.

Speaker Bio

James Vulling is a software engineer at heart, with more than fifteen years of technology leadership experience within startups, scale-ups and enterprise. In his current role with CMD Solutions, James helps organisations succeed with AWS cloud, with particular focus on cloud adoption, cloud-native development and application modernisation. James is a co-organiser for AWS User Group (Perth, Australia) and a co-organiser for the Perth Serverless meetup.


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