AWS User Group (Perth / Boorloo, Australia) Logo






Relationship is not Everything: How to Model Your Data in DynamoDB

Cover Image for Relationship is not Everything: How to Model Your Data in DynamoDB
UG Leaders
UG Leaders
5.30pm - 7.30pm

Amazon DynamoDB is a popular choice for modern applications as it is serverless and provides single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. Optimizing your usage of DynamoDB requires a different approach to data modelling than traditional relational databases. In this session, William Sia shows you advanced techniques to get the most out of DynamoDB. Learn how to “think in DynamoDB” by learning the DynamoDB foundations and principles for data modelling. Further, learn practical strategies and DynamoDB features to handle difficult use cases in your application.


William Sia is a Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. As a member of the WWSO Cross Industry Solutions Builder Team, he builds open source projects, including the aws-connected-device-framework and sustainability-insight-framework.

Time and Place

Refreshments (pizza, drinks etc.) from 5.30pm for a 6.00pm start. We typically leave time for networking after presentations.

Riff, Ground Floor, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth.


RSVP via the event page at